!!! Now Available !!!
EXSTAR6000 TG/DTA Thermo-Gravimetric/Differential Thermal Analyzer
The TG/DTA is a simultaneous measurement instrument combining TG, which utilizes a horizontal differential type balance beam, with the highly flexible DTA feature. This instrument is used for reaction velocity and acceleration degradation tests, as well as analysis of the water and ash content in samples, and evaluation of decomposition, oxidation and heat resistance of samples. Two models to choose from with different accessories available. NEW EXTAR TG/DTA 6200 standard temperature up to 1100C, and the NEW EXTAR TG/DTA 6300 high temperature model up to 1500C.
• As a forerunner in the balance beam mechanism, this instrument utilizes a horizontal differential type balance beam. The lightweight structure of the balance beam mechanism provides the following strong points: stability in regards to temperature fluctuations, buoyancy reduction and highly sensitive balance, as well as the ability of the differential balance to deal with disturbances such as oscillation.
• Through the utilization of an automatic cooling unit, the instrument is now automatically cooled to a set temperature after measurements, which raises the effectiveness of measurements.
• As with the DSC, the auto sampler is easily attached to the TG/DTA.