Selling Disclosure…
RTI is a privately owned service organization supplying its customers with professional technical and service support. RTI buys and sells new and used/refurbished laboratory instruments in part or whole from many different manufacturers. RTI does not claim to be an authorized dealer/vendor for such organizations unless stated. RTI markets its knowledge of and the ability to support laboratory instrumentation. RTI carries an extensive on hand inventory to support any and all of its contractual agreements.
Buying and Trade-In…
At times, RTI will accept trade-in instruments. When such a case is presented, the value of said instrument shall be determined by a qualified representative working for or acting on behalf of RTI. RTI assumes all responsibility of shipping and packaging costs for trade-ins.
As a privately owned company, RTI has the ability to be extremely flexible with pricing and the service it provides. No job is too big or too small for RTI to perform! Customers` needs come first and RTI is willing to work with its Customers to satisfy those needs.